
Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Dolphin therapy: deradicalization program for returning terrorists

Kokkedal-Last year, 72 young men-regular high school and university students-abandoned their families and studies to make a career as jihadists in Syria. Now, many are coming back and Denmark is welcoming them with open arms.

Most western countries are cracking down on returning fighters. France has seized passports, Britain has arrested 100 returnees and most of the countries follow suit.

Kokkedal has developed an unconventional reintegration program for ex-terrorists which was developed by Connie Hansen, a psychology professor at Kokkedal University. "These returnees are young people struggling with the same issues as any other average teenager. They are trying to find a place in society. So we have to help them to find a way back to normal live," explains Hansen.

The Kokkedal reintegration program includes dolphin therapy. The "3 Month Dolphin Time-Out Program" sends the returnees to "Dolphin Woopy-Doo Paradise" located in Marmaris, Turkey. A 3-Month jihadist orientated program is designed to deradicalize returnees. They play one-on-one with trained therapist and dolphins. The relationship developed throughout the 3 month with the dolphins help to detoxify the mind of radical thoughts, decrease anxiety experienced in terrorist attacks, executions and beheading, and increase motivation to continue attempting new tasks.

"When I communicate to dolphins I can forget all the brutal things I've seen in Syria," says Yussuf Aslan, a former jihadist. "It is invigorating. Before that I was obsessed to fight in Syria. It was similar to a sexual obsession. But now I think, I will return to my engineering studies after the therapy."

The cost is €24.000 for the 3-Month program and covered by health insurance meaning the taxpayers are paying for the program.

Activities are tailored to the needs of the participants. Returnees who beheaded people need intensive care. Ali Erdogan has been traumatized by the beheading he has committed. His therapy involves more communication with dolphins by imitating their clicking and whistling.

"It's my last week here. I was so exhausted after the fights but now I feel very refreshed," says Erdogan. "Next month, I will go back to Syria and work on my terrorist career. I try to be the next Bin Laden."

The Greens of Denmark are welcoming Kokkedal's approach to Syrian returnees. "People need love but not punishment to rehabilitate. They are just victims of the decadent Western society. We should do more for our Muslim fellows. We are even thinking to ban Christmas from Denmark otherwise they might feel discriminated," says the spokesperson of the party.

On the other hand, conservative parties are very skeptical and expressed great concern because 70 of the 72 returnees went back to Syria to join terrorists groups. "This is just an adventure holiday for the terrorists on the expense of taxpayers money. We live in a decadent society," complains the spokesperson of the Danish People's Party.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Swiss scientitsts believe Uncle Sam suffers under severe paranoia

Geneva―A group of scientists from the Geneva University Hospital believe Uncle Sam suffers under severe paranoia.

Paranoia is a thought process characterized by exaggerated fear that something bad will happen, fear that the bad is caused by others with lack of foundation of the above features. People suffering under paranoia fear that someone is trying to cause them physical harm or even kill them. They live in fear, feel isolated and are depressed all the time. The cause of paranoia is still unknown but major live events that cause sudden increase of stress may be responsible for it.

Uncle Sam showed first symptoms of paranoia after 9/11 in 2001. He accused Iraq of having "weapons of mass destruction" becoming obsessed with the idea to start a war in the Middle East.  In May 2003, Iraq was defeated and Saddam Hussein was executed by the USA. 

Uncle Sam's brain circulation declined and he exhibited more paranoid symptoms. He had been possessed by the thought that Colonel Gaddafi, the late dictator of Libya, wanted to kill him. Again, a war was started between the USA and Libya and ended with the execution of the dictator by USA funded "moderate rebel groups", now called "ISIS", in August 2011.

Meanwhile, Uncle Sam's metal state has declined dramatically. He accuses Syria to have used chemical weapons on its people and breaking human rights. Uncle Sam has grabbed to his gun and started to throw "democracy bombs" to bring back American democracy to Syria. He even started to bomb hospitals. (He also wants to have little bit of natural gas and oil from Syria.)

The scientists are very concerned about Uncle Sam's mental health state. They tried laughter and various talking therapies but nothing has worked yet. Recently, Uncle Sam regards Putin, president of Russia, as a new threat and is obsessed to eliminate him.

Scientists also suspect that NATO is suffering under mild paranoia because it also regards Putin as a threat.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Amnesty International: Saudi Arabia has the highest human rights record

Amnesty International researchers have found Saudi Arabia has the highest human rights record in the world.

According to the researchers Saudi Arabia is free of slaves, free of torture, free from arbitrary arrests and from arbitrary interference with privacy and family.

For decades, Amnesty International alleged Saudi Arabia that it is a country with judicial corporal punishment such as amputation of hands for robbery, stoning, beheading, flogging for treason, adultery, drunkenness, sorcery, blasphemy and the list goes on.

But an Amnesty International investigation has found the allegations may have been not true at all.

Public leashing, stoning and other physical punishment on convicts executed each Friday in public places in Riyadh are just shows organized by Saudi's entertainment industry.

The Saudi Arabian government does not allow its people to listen to music, to watch TV or to do other recreational activities therefore these shows are a very important part of entertainment.

The convicts are not criminals but performers hired by the entertainment industry. For example, Omar Hariri (28) hired by  "It's!Stoning Time" residing in Riyadh is a professional stoning artist. "Each Friday I am tied to a bar from 5am to 10am and visitors are allowed to stone me for 50 Riyals  for 10 minutes," says Hariri. "Of course, the stones are not real. They are made of sponge."

Osama Kamel (34), a performer of "Can't Stop Lashing", is a professional lashing artist. "Customers hire me for wedding ceremonies or birthday parties," says Kamel. "The whips do not hurt me. The business is flourishing."

The Saudi Arabian government is very delighted with the Amnesty International's report that it closed a billion dollar oil deal with the USA and sent 100 golden toilets to the white house.

But some experts have accused the US government that it has paid Amnesty International huge sums of money to produce pro-Saudi Arabian reports.