
Thursday, 29 October 2015

Angela Merkel's secretary reveals: the chancellor is remote controlled by a creature in Merkel exosuite

It was an usual working day for Angela Merkel's secretary Susanne Müller*. The only unusual thing was that she was a little bit early in the office. She opened the door the chancellor's office to discuss about her daily schedule but the next moment she was petrified with horror.

A small creature was creeping out from the German chancellor's head which was stuffed with electric cables and small electronic devices. Merkel was not a human being but a robot. The shocked secretary was watching the creature from the crack of the door.

"It was like this tiny alien in 'Men in Black' which hid in a human-like exosuit," explains Müller.

After the little creator climbed out from its Merkel exosuit it switched on a tablet and called the president of the United States via Skype.

The discussion between the creature and the president of the United States went on for about 30 minutes. The president instructed the little creature what to say in the next press conference, to let in more migrants into Germany, what to say in the next parliament sitting and other details. After the discussion, the creature climbed inside its Merkel exosuit.

Germany is in the midst of a migrant crisis after the Merkel invited Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis to the country. The government says that over 800.000 migrants will reach Germany in the end of 2015 but the dark figure seems to be much more higher.

For month, Müller kept this secret by herself but she could not remain silent anymore as the migrant crisis has become unbearable. She decided to break her silence although this will threaten her life.

"Now, it absolutely makes sense why the chancellor is bringing all the illegal migrants from the Middle East and Africa to Europe. She always was remote controlled by the USA, well she is just a robot," says the secretary. "It is the plan of the USA to destabilize the European continent."

*name have been changed to protect the identity of the person

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Great "Pig Wall" on the German and Austrian border to prevent refugees

German police union has announced to close the country's border against Austria by erecting a great pig wall. Around 200.000 pigs are going to be stationed from Obersdorf to Passau in order to protect the 400km long border.

The influx of migrants has been unstoppable since September. Until the end of this year, 1.5 million migrants are expected in Germany. The exponentially growing number of migrants has been the cause of immense social unrest and crime in German refugee centers. A surge in arson attacks and rape did reportedly increase drastically in refugee shelters.

Germany gradually seems to loose its control over the influx of massive amount of migrants within a short period of time and there have been concerns among the population that the country's internal security is under threat.

The highly effective Hungarian border barrier took 3 month until it was finished. The internal security in Germany is dramatically worsening and immediate action is required. No time is left to built a fence for month.

Bavarian MP Horst Seehofer decided as a last-resort measure to erect a wall made of live pigs on the country's border. Thousands of pigs from Bavarian farms have been brought to the 400km long border.

Religious restrictions on the consumption of pork are a part of Islamic law. Most of the migrants are orthodox Muslims believing pigs are unclean animals thus making it impossible to cross the pig wall.

"Within 3 days the great pig wall will be finished. We are already seeing a decrease of migrants crossing the border," says the MP. "Today just 100 migrants entered Germany assuming that they are all Christians. Christians refugees are more than welcome here."

Meanwhile, the pigs grunt happily on the border because they have been brought outside the hellish pig farms and will not be slaughtered until the influx of migrants will be stopped. Animal rights activist welcome the measure. "Finally, society has acknowledged the status of the pig," says Andreas Hilse from Animals Rights Watch.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Scientists develop method to convert religious hatred into energy

TOKYO-Scientists have developed a method to convert hatred into energy.

Hatred is a deep and emotional dislike directed against a group of individuals or ideas triggering increased activity in the human brain. This emotional energy is then converted to electricity by large pathosvoltaic panels on the ground. These panels function like solar panels.

One pathosvoltaic panel produces 4600kWh/year enough electricity for 1 household. Last month, 1000 panels had been set up to supply a small village with electricity.

"We are excited about our project. If we succeed as long as there is hatred we do not have to depend on fossil fuel or natural gas anymore. Our ability to hate each other is without any limits so there will be a constant energy supply," explains Masayuki Kondo from University of Tokyo, lead scientist of the project. "Especially religious motivated hatred provides a huge amount of energy. Currently, the Middle East, US and Israel are very good suppliers with great future potential."

Kondo got interested in hate energy after 9/11 when he was working on his PhD thesis. He monitored the amount of hatred via atmospheric EEG, plotted it on the graph and found out that the hatred curve was growing exponentially. The following year, he started a research team to develop a system converting hatred into useful energy.

With the creation of ISIS and the ongoing "war on terrorism", Kondo recorded a steady growth of religiously motivated hate energy.

Growing tension between Japan and China might be the next source of hate energy but "compared to religious motivated hatred it is infinitesimal." Kondo will continue to focus on the Middle East and US. Europe could be also a good power supplier because the recent huge influx of Muslim young male migrants to Europe will create another religious motivated hot spot.

Friday, 2 October 2015

USA wins 2015 Nobel peace prize

USA, the United States of America spreading peace in the middle east for decades, has won the 2015 Nobel peace price.

Speaking after finishing his day in the congress, in Washington, the US president said: "Finally, our war for democracy and freedom are bearing fruits in the Middle East."

Within 10 years 2 American citizens, Al Gore in 2007 and Barack Obama in 2009, have won the Nobel peace prize followed by this years prize to the US adding the whole country to the list.

The US started its illegal peace project in Iraq in 2003 to destroy Saddams Hussein's imaginary weapons of mass destruction. Instead weapons the US found Saddam Hussein and got rid of him. The US brought democracy, justice and peace to Iraq. Actually, democracy was blossoming in Iraq creating many freedom extremists.

The US peace excursion also landed in Libya. For some reason, Washington felt responsible to protect the people of Libya from the insane man Muammar Gaddafi. US supported all the militant peace Islamic freedom terrorists in eastern Libya. The US successfully changed the regime in Libya and peaceful terrorists such as Al-Quaida and ISIS started to flourish.

The unstoppable peace evangelist US is now worried about Syria. Over a period of one year, around 20,000 airstrikes have been launched by the US military in Syria to destroy its civilian infrastructure to create a completely new country. US intelligence trains and finances freedom fighters ISIS and other peace supporting groups to overthrow the Assad regime.

The US won for what the Nobel committee called the country "peace creator" for the Middle East. It is the first time a country ever wins the prize.

In a statement, the Nobel committee said: "The US is fighting against the bad boy Putin and his bad bad ally Assad. The war against terrorism has filled many wallets of Washington's military elite with billion of dollars creating peace of mind among them. The US has started to arm moderate rebels in Syria which will lead to unimaginable peace in the Middle East as well as in Europe."

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Germany police union decides to separate refugees by everything

BERLIN-Yesterday a 21-year-old refugee started a mayhem when he ripped pages from a Koran and ate them in a refugee center in Berlin. The fight escalated into a mass brawl pitting 150 Syrians against 200 Afghans fighting with fists and throwing babies. 

There had been trouble before. One weeks ago, a 35-year-old Afghan insulted an Iraqi that all his 3 wives look ugly leading to a  riot. The ensuing violence left 15 refugees dead.

Three weeks ago, short refugees got jammed by tall refugees when lining up for food starting an outrage.

Countless other riots have been reported in the past 1 month. Refugees fought about the number of wives, hair color, body odor, length of fingernails, beheading skills, ownership of slaves and myriads of other issues.

Germany's police union decided to separate refugees into more than 100 categories.

Next week, refugees are going to be separated into country of origin, religion, ethnicity, height, BMI, length of beard, number of wives, beauty of wives, skin color, sexual orientation, length of nose etc..

The new measure had spread confusion among the refugees and volunteers. "How should I decide who has the uglier wife?" complains Alex Müller, a volunteer of the refugee center in Berlin. "Should we start a beauty pageant in the refugee center or what?"

Amnesty International criticized Germany for the measure because segregation reminds USA of the 'dark days'. 

On top of that, Germany is a pluralistic society and it will be impossible to integrate all refugees if they are already segregated in refugee centers.