
Thursday 1 October 2015

Germany police union decides to separate refugees by everything

BERLIN-Yesterday a 21-year-old refugee started a mayhem when he ripped pages from a Koran and ate them in a refugee center in Berlin. The fight escalated into a mass brawl pitting 150 Syrians against 200 Afghans fighting with fists and throwing babies. 

There had been trouble before. One weeks ago, a 35-year-old Afghan insulted an Iraqi that all his 3 wives look ugly leading to a  riot. The ensuing violence left 15 refugees dead.

Three weeks ago, short refugees got jammed by tall refugees when lining up for food starting an outrage.

Countless other riots have been reported in the past 1 month. Refugees fought about the number of wives, hair color, body odor, length of fingernails, beheading skills, ownership of slaves and myriads of other issues.

Germany's police union decided to separate refugees into more than 100 categories.

Next week, refugees are going to be separated into country of origin, religion, ethnicity, height, BMI, length of beard, number of wives, beauty of wives, skin color, sexual orientation, length of nose etc..

The new measure had spread confusion among the refugees and volunteers. "How should I decide who has the uglier wife?" complains Alex Müller, a volunteer of the refugee center in Berlin. "Should we start a beauty pageant in the refugee center or what?"

Amnesty International criticized Germany for the measure because segregation reminds USA of the 'dark days'. 

On top of that, Germany is a pluralistic society and it will be impossible to integrate all refugees if they are already segregated in refugee centers.

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